Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving is over

Now that Thanksgiving is over and I must get back to the everyday things. I have a lot to keep me busy. First I must finish some clay projects I have on my table. There are earrings and pins and ornaments. Oh my! Not to mention letters to write and cards to send. My list seems to get bigger each day instead of smaller.
I hope each of you had a great Holiday, and are now back to normal. Well as normal as one can get this time of year. I still have Christmas shopping to do. This year most of my gifts will be handmade but there are a few that I must buy for. Don't know when I will get that done. Today would have been a good day as the stores are having such good sales. But I must do as my checkbook dictates and wait until I have the money. Story of my life it seems. Never in the right place at the right time. If I see a sale I usually don't have the money and when I have the money I can't find any sales. I have a friend who is the best at finding bargains and I have joked with her often that I will just give her my money and list and have her do the work for me. Wouldn't that be grand! No running around , just make my list and wrap things up when they come in...
How do you handle your Christmas shopping. Do you shop online? I try to buy locally as my town is in such need right now.
Well ya'll have a great day.

1 comment:

craftygurl said...

Well, I have the same problem when there are sales I never find them. I use to buy online well more like ebay mostly games but now I try to buy local, too. My city is pretty big and we do have such a variety. When I really can't find it locally then I ask my mom. I hope that your shopping goes well...

Take care,