Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Good by 2008 Welcome 2009

As this year comes to an end and a new one begins I wish all of you good health and lots of wealth, happiness ,forgiveness, a working muse, lots of sales (if that is what you are into),lots of love, more time to spend the way you want, and good cheer.
I have much to be thankful for this past year. I have a wonderful loving and supportive DH. Great kids and grandkids, whom I love very much much. A roof over my head, heat to keep me warm, food in the cupboards and lots of good friends. Although my health wasn't the greatest this past year, I am still better off than some and am thankful.
I have met a lot of really nice, talented people through the Internet and the groups I belong to. And have learned and shared quite a few things. Not only polymer clay and other arts but life issues which has brought us all closer together. Without them my life would not have been as full as is it. And for them I am thankful. I have found that artistic people are in general the most giving of their time and knowledge. A truly talented artist is not afraid to share.
So, to the many people in the groups I belong to and the many people from the websites I visit, I wish you all a prosperous 2009.
I am praying for an even better year in 2009. Bigger sales, more money, better health, more time to spend on my creative adventures, more time spent with my kids and grandkids, more love to give and to receive.
I have a large to-do list and right at the top is to become a better person all around. One who gives more freely of my time, love, talent and hope. That is also a wish I have for all you talented friendly people out there.
We will be staying at home as we have done for the last few years. It is so much safer that way. And if we happen to be awake at midnight we will see the new year come in. My DH says we are not celebrating the beginning of 2009 but the ending of 2008.
May God bless us all.
So until 2009,
Happy Crafty Day, CraftyLinda

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Update and book review

mistakenly thought I was going to recieve the new Bead Star magizine and the supplies to make Valerie Aharoni beautiful necklace. So imagine my surprise when I opened my mailbox the other day and I had actually recieved Fabulous Fabric Beads by Kristal Wick. But what a wonderful surprise it turned out to be. Kristal has written this in such a way that even someone like me, who has never made fabric beads can understand it. By the time I had gotten to the techniques pages I was already in love with the book. She starts out telling us what tools we need but she doesn't stop there she shows pictures, has little notes and points to the pages where she used that technique. The techniques she shows are easy to understand with pictures and notes here and there also. I was saying ' well I'll be darn' all the way through that section. She take the basic bead design and adds embellishments to make really special and unique one of a kind beads.
And on to the beads themselves. Wow! She had me wanting to get busy trying most of them. I really love the Batik and the Vintage Kimono ones, but the Talisman message beads and the wire lace beads are beautiful also. Actually I loved most of them equally. She has wire wrapped, beaded, dipped and fiberous ones.
Last but certainly not least she shows some of the items she has mad and tell you which beads she used. The first one I fell in love with was the Mixed-Media Medley earrings. I am going to do those. I have to have them! Then the Dream Catcher necklaces, OMG. That one is for me too.
I guess I don't have to tell you that I just Love this book. Thank you so much Valerie. I now have one more medium to try my hand at. So if you have been wondering about this book I give it a 5 star rating. It is a must see..
Well I am off to start something new. Until next time.
Happy Crafty Day, CraftyLinda

Monday, December 22, 2008

Dogs are sometimes under rated.

While I was checking some of my favorite sites , Sue over at Art Ravings had a picture of her furrie baby with a cute little story. I have to agree with you Sue I think our furrie friends are pretty smart. I have a little mixed dog, mother was a miniature Schnauzer and dad unknown. His name is Pooh. He is the smartest little guy. I talk to him just like a kid and I know he knows what I am saying. This is a picture of him sitting in front of the electric heater we have to help keep the living room warm. When he comes in from outside he use to go in his box ( doggie carrier) now he knows if the heater isn't on I will turn it on for him and he can sit there until he gets warm and dry. This morning I turned it on and went to let him in. He went over there but then decided he was going to go play around. I just told him that I would turn it off if he didn't want to use it and back he came. It sure makes you wonder just how much they do know. I have heard of people getting an autistic child a dog, I think it was a yellow retriever, and that child learned how to talk because of talking to his buddy. I know Pooh gives me and my DH lots of love and more than a few laughs. I have always had a dog, some were super smart and some weren't. But all were nice to have around. So here is to all the dogs and their owners... Have a Merry Christmas.

We didn't put up a Christmas tree this year but I do have some of my Santa's sitting around. Pooh can't figure them out but does like to sit and listen to them "talk". Here is a couple pictures of some of my decorations this year.

Until next time Happy Crafty Day, Linda

Friday, December 19, 2008

I can't beleive I won!!

Did you know that the members of PCAGOE ( Polymer Clay Artist Guild of Etsy) have been sponsoring a Scavenger Hunt? It started on Dec. 10th and runs thru Dec. 22nd. I read about it on Valerie Aharoni's site. I went to Valerie's Etsy shop and found the little elfin miss, covo-ed her to let her know I found it and where. And Today I received a message telling me I had won. I am so excited and pleased. The prize for that week was a copy of BEAD STAR ( a new magazine, I'll tell you about later) and the polymer clay components to make my own version of the Best in Show (which Valerie won) necklace.
I have been meaning to tell you about Valerie's site, She is a very talented lady. If you haven't already clicked the link above you can see her Best of Show winning necklace here. She was among more than 1,00 entries in the contest that had in April 2008. Out of 180 finalists her necklace was one of 45 chosen, and will appear on the cover of the new magazine Bead Star.
She talks about transfers, and how she used parchment paper with an ink jet printer. Very pretty out come. She has pictures on her site of the prettiest items she has made using this technique. Sounds interesting I think I will add that to my to-do list for after the Holidays.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ya'll know about my love for Santa's. Well in my search for him online I have run across some really remarkable artist. This morning I am looking at Maureen Carlson's wee folk. Her web site is just packed full with a list of her upcoming classes and virtual tours of your shop, both in the spring and winter. I love the expressions she gives to her people and even tho she doesn't have a Santa her site is well worth looking at. Or better yet for those of you who live in or around Jordan, Minnesota, go see her in person.
We are due to have either a lot of snow or freezing rain starting tonight so I am trying to figure out what I need from town so I can get it all in. We live 8 miles from town, which isn't to much if the roads are good. But like with every small town they have not been able to keep our roads clear this year. We have a lot of back roads between us and town and those are the last ones to see a road truck. So we must plan ahead.
Of course with the colder, wet weather comes all the aches and pains of someone with chronic pain ailments and "old age". I know I must pace myself but this time of year with Christmas just 7 days away it is real hard. I have been busy doing what every household is doing this time of year, wrapping packages, baking cookies and other treats, send cards and packages, the list goes on. But one thing I am doing different this year so I don't over work myself and then not enjoy the big day when it gets here, is to put a timer by me ,set for one hour. This helps to remind me to take time for myself and just relax.
That of course doesn't work when I have to keep doctors appointments or deliver packages, but it does help here at home. The end of last week was a rough one as I had to travel 90 miles one way to a doctors. That took some time to recuperate from and then the bad weather hit us with the dampness. But I am back up to par today so hope to get more done today. Got some more polymer clay 'playing`to do.
I hope you all are taking time for yourselves and enjoying this Christmasie time of year.
Don't forget to check out my other sites. Thanks and
Happy Crafty Day, CraftyLinda

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Santa's, Santa's everywhere.

While sitting here with my heating pad and hot cup of tea ( it is cold here in Michigan this morning with the wind blowing and I over did it yesterday) and trying to find a comfort zone, I have been reading my email. I opened the Polymer Clay Daily post I will thrilled to see Dennis Brown mentioned on her site.
Being a Dennis Brown and Santa fan, I of course had to check out everything. His page on Reasons to Believe is just full of amazing Santa's that he has sculpted using polymer clay. He is a very talented guy who obviously loves Santa.
There is a page where you can see works from other clay sculpture artists like, Janell Berryman with her whimsical characters, Laura Benge with her Rolly Polly Santa, Becky Goasdoue with her creatively detailed works, and Kathy Cornell who is a reuse, recycle artist. You will have to be your own judge as to whom you like the best. But if you are like me I could not make up my mind to just one. They are all so great and have their own special technique.
There are pages and pages of Santa's, from wood carved to resin and whimsical to folk art.
So if you love Santa as much as I do and have some time to spare go take a look. But be warned you may get lost in there and have to have your familiy come and rescue you. hehe

And while you are looking around you might want to visit my other site at LGdesigns, I have a good post on the different uses of Future floor polish.

Ya'll have a warm and fun day.
'till next time,
Happy creative day..Linda

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A short post but a good site

Hello everyone, I am so sorry that this is going to be short tonight. We had something come up today that took me away from home for longer than I thought it would. So I didn't have the time to look around like I would have liked to.
I did happen upon a nice site about jewelry making that might interest some of you. It is not just polymer clay, it has a long list of techniques that range from stringing to polishing and finishing.
It has articles on marketing & selling, creativity and design. The list goes on and on. So if you are into jewelry making or juct begining this is the site for you.
Jewelry lessons by Eni Oken & friends.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Another great blog to check out

While I was checking out The Queen Speaks site, I read about Chrystie's 29 days of give aways.. I had to check it out for myself. I had to post so that even more people will know of this, and not just because she is giving things away, but because she has spoken of things I truly believe in. The act of giving of ones self. It not only makes the receiver happy but it brings joy to your own self. I hope everyone who reads this post is reminded of what not only this season is all about but what we should all be doing in our lives at all times. Even just a smile to a stranger,opening the door for someone,or a listening ear can mean a lot.
Not only is Chrystie a very talented artist. She is a very compassionate person who writes a great inspiring blog. I have enjoyed reading every post. And I feel I have already been given a gift. She has a big heart and it shows in the way she writes and in her art work.
I am still looking around her site there is so much to look at with all the interviews, pictures and links to follow I just might be there a long long time.
I want to thank Queen Katherine for choosing to write about this amazing, giving person. Without her I would not have met Chrystie or seen her art or read her thoughts. So Katherine if your out, there, thank you.
I am off to check some more on Chrystie's blog. So until tomorrow have a great night.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

We're on the count down now and things are really getting busy. I have baking that needs to be done. I guess I will start that tomorrow. I have made three batches of cookies with the hopes of freezing some to have for Christmas but my DH has managed to find them . So I now must start all over again. I must say they are really good but the batches I do tomorrow, I am going to find a better spot to put them in. I found this cute plate at a dollar store. And I mean to full it with cookies ,brownies, chocolate covered crackers and banana bread. I thought it has the nicest saying on it.

Now does anyone know how to keep my DH out of them?

Like I mentioned yesterday I don't know much about blogging and was having trouble adding some things to this page. Well I am happy to say that I figured it out and have added some of things I wanted. I will hopefully put more on tomorrow. After I get some baking done of course. I would love to hear any idea you might have as to how I can make this site better.

I have also been working on a few magnets to put in cards that I am sending to people who live out of state. I think they turned out pretty good. I just wanted a little something to show them I care and am thinking of them. Sorry the pictures are such bad quality. I was in a hurry and I am still learning to take good pictures.
I have added these pictures now I have to remember what I wrote about yesterday and see if I can't put them in google image search. Wish me luck. I'll let you know tomorrow if I managed it or not.
Thanks for stopping by. Until tomorrow. Have a Crafty Day

Friday, December 5, 2008

blogging problems and some tips from...

The tips I am speaking of have nothing to do with the problems I was having. More about that in a minute. I was having problems with wordpress today. My other blog LGdesigns is on wordpress. It took me 45 minutes to write my post this afternoon. My page was all messed up so that I couldn't see everything that I was writing. It would take a long time to pull up the add a link page. Just little things like that but it sure makes it hard to get a job done. Then I was worried that I would lose my post before I could publish it. I did get it done and I wrote about a web site Eugene's Creations. If you would like to read about it just jump right on over I'll be waiting for you.

The tips I am talking about from Contraiwise ramblings. She has a really interesting article on bring more traffic to your blog or website. She explains how to use Google Image search to help bring in more traffic. Here is one quote from your post.

"Three of the most important things that Google Image Search looks for, in descending order, are:
1. Alt Text

2. File Name
3. Surrounding Text"

She then goes on to explain each item , what it is and how to use it. She even show how she used it in her post. Like I have said before I am not a computer whiz but it all made since to me. If you are wanting to drive more traffic to your site you would do well to check out her post. You won't be sorry you did. She ended up saying,

"It may take a while for google to crawl through the web and find your site, but you' ll be AMAZED at how many more hits your blog will have if you remember these 3 steps. "

I am going to try it out when I get some pictures that I want to post.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hi, I haven't posted much but I do have a lot of links for you to visit. Some have tutes and some are for inspiration. But I am sure you will like them all. So grab a cup of what ever you enjoy and sit back, relax and look around.
First is a nice little weblog by a very talented artist who makes the cutest fairies. And has a short tute on how she gets rid of moonies and applying hair. There is quite a bit of info on this site. She has lists to other sites of interest and some great pictures of some of her dolls.

The next one is Karyn Kozak design. She does some incredible millefiori designs. And has a line a jewelry,vessels and letter openers. Very colorful.

ShinyAdornments has some good articles for artists. She talks about international shipping, with some good tips and links. Also she provided a list of venues for artists selling and is now starting to profile some of those sites. Very interesting.

And if you haven't checked out Layl McDill's site you are missing some really funky whimsical art work. She is the creator of Silly Millies but there is a lot more than that on her site, from silly millies to cosmic clouds murals and tiles.

Well these you keep you busy until I can write again. I hope you enjoy them all. And don't forget while your out there surfing around to pls check out my Etsy store and my flickr album.
Thanks and have a great day.