Saturday, October 24, 2009

Back after a looooong time

Hello everyone.
I think it is about time I got back in here. I feel like I have been gone for ever but there has been a lot going on in my life these past 10 months. Bear with me and I will try to fill you in without boring you.
In January I found out I had breast cancer. Some of you were following me on my blog. I must admit I have not kept up with that one either. But I won't repeat what I did say on there but will try to fill you in on what has been going on since I started my radiation. I had to have 30 treatments. They were everyday 5 days a week for the 6 weeks. But that is not all that goes on. There are a lot of tests that need to be done, xrays and doctors appts. It makes for a very busy time. The radiation knocks the wind right out of your sails. If you are unfortunate like me you have a bad reaction to it and end up with third degree burns. They burned an area up on my neck and breast bone so they could kill the lymph nodes up there. I think that is my worst spot. And of course the breast area. Everything is third degree and sore as hell. They say I should be feeling better by next Weds. but I don't see how. My brother-in-law had some chemical reaction when he was in the hospital for open heart and they gave him some gel filled pads that had him feeling better in one or two days. He brought a package home with him and remembered he had it the other day. I started using it on Friday. The pain is a little better but I am not healing. I am done with my radiation so now that is all I have to do is get better. Which would not be to hard to do if I could take naps etc. like I should.

But our land lady came by the end of Sept. and told us that she needed her house back her boyfriend had kicked her out and she had no where else to go. We are to be out by the first of Nov. You would think that finding a place wouldn't be to hard with the economy the way it is. But it is not as easy as you might think. We were really getting worried, we couldn't find a place we liked and could afford. Then one day last week my sister-in-law called with a phone number to a place. We called it, went to see it and put a down payment on it that next day.
The same day we found out about the house our truck broke down we were on our way home from my 2nd to the last treatment and the seal in the transmission blow out. And one of the shifter rods broke inside. It was making all kinds of noise but we just kept trying to make it home. We don't know how we made it home. We still had about 20 miles to go. But God was looking out for us and we made it.
The next day we borrowed our good friends truck and made it to my treatment and to go see the house. That night his son-in-law called and said he would like the truck and his wife had a car they would trade us for with a little cash. So again God was looking out for us and we got the car that next day.
So now we have a new house and a new (to us) car. Next Sat. we have a lot of friend who are coming over and moving all our furniture in one day. This week we will be taking boxes of things over as I get them ready and have friends who are going to help us with that and the cleaning.

In between all of this my computer went out so I couldn't get on line to let my online friends know how things were going. But tonight I picked up a new to me computer from my sons father-in-law, that he fixed up for me.
I can't tell you how thankful I am to have such good friends and family at a time like this. Maybe things are looking up.
Well that is all that has been going on since I last wrote. In a condensed form.
I want to thank all of you who have come back to my site after such a long time. I am going to try to keep it more updated after the move.
Again thanks and have a good night everyone.

P.S. I just joined Facebook so if you would like to be my friend just go to Facebook and look me up.

1 comment:

Sue Choppers-Wife said...

Hey glad you are finally done with the treatments. You will get better, I just know it. Sorry about the burns, my friend Kathy that wrote you earlier on your breast cancer blog might have mentioned something that helped her. I know she had the same issues.
Get better and enjoy the new house, puter and car!
