Saturday, January 10, 2009

Help our American Vets.

Do any of you save coupons and then go to use them and find that they have expired? When going through your coupons, if you see any that are expired or will expire within the next day or so,(or even good ones you don't use) hold them out of your package. Below is a list of military commissaries that participate in the expired couponprogram. Our military families need financial breaks too & they are not inan area where the newspapers & magazines don't have coupons like we do.
This is the list of addys I have for military bases that accepts expiredcoupons. As far as I know, this is up to date. If anyone has any othersnot listed, please let me know, I would be glad to add them. The locationlisted under them is for you, it does not need to be on the envelope. Same goes with the service affiliation.
APO and FPO Addresses work the same as in the USA. No extra postage isrequired to mail, just the normal cost for mailing within the US. The following military bases welcome expired coupons up to 6 months past the expiration date:

Service Affiliation: U.S Air Force
Address: RAF Alconbury
APO AE 09470
Location: Ansbach, Germany

Service Affiliation: U.S. Army
ACS - 235th BSB
Unit 28614
APO AE 09177
Location: Atsugi, Japan

Service Affiliation: U.S. Navy
Address:U.S. Naval Air FacilityNavy
Box 32FPO AP 96306
Location: Bad Aibling, Germany

Service Affiliation: U.S. Army
Address:ACS - 279th BSB
Unit 27535
APO AE 09139
Location: Brussels, Belgium **

Service Affiliation: U.S. Army
ACS - 233rd BSB
CMR 441
APO AE 09175
Location: Gaeta, Italy

Service Affiliation: U.S.NAvy
Address:Volunteer Coordinator
Navy FSC
PSC 811
FPO AE 09609
Location: Giessen, Germany**

Service Affiliation: U.S. Army
Address:Outreach Program Coordinator
ACS - 284th
BSBUnit 20911,
Box 132
APO AE 09169
Location: Grafenwoehr, Germany

Service Affiliation: U.S. Army
Address:ACS - 409th BSB
APO AE 09114
Location: Hanau, Germany

Service Affiliation: U.S. Army
ACS - 414th BSB
APO AE 09165
Location: Ikego, Japan ***

Service Affiliation: U.S. Navy
PSC 474, Box 700
FPO AP 96351-0007
Location: Illesheim, Germany ***

Service Affiliation: U.S. Army
Address:Coupon Program Chairperson
ACS - Illesheim AST
CMR 416, Box I
APO AE 09140-0015
Location: Incirlik, Turkey

Service Affiliation: U.S. Air Force
Address:Incirlik Commissary
Unit 7105 Box DECU/EU/INC
APO, AE 09824
Location: Iwakuni, Japan

Service Affiliation: U.S. Marine Corps
Address:USMC Community Services
PSC 561,Box 1867
FPO AP 96310-1867
Location: Kitzigen, Germany

Service Affiliation: U.S. Army
Address:417th BSB ACS
ATTN: Coupon Exchange
CMR 449
APO AE 09031
Location: Lakenheath, U.K.

Service Affiliation: U.S. Air Force
Address:48 MSS/DPF
ATTN: Coupon Connection ProgramUnit
5200, Box 105
APO AE 09464-0105
Location: Naples, Italy

Service Affiliation: U.S. Navy
Address:Director, Navy FSC
PSC 810, Box 53
FPO AE 09619
Location: Okinawa, Japan (USA)

Service Affiliation: U.S. Army
Address:Volunteer/Outreach Coordinator
ACS - 10th ASG
Unit 35115
APO AP 96376-5115
Location: Okinawa, Japan (USAF)

Service Affiliation: U.S. Air Force
Address:Family Services Program
Unit 5134, Box 80
APO AP 96368-5134
Location: Osan, Korea

Service Affiliation: U.S. Air Force
Address:Family Support Center
Unit 2097
APO AP 96278-2097
Location: Rota, Spain

Until next time:
Don't forget to check out my other site, and:

Happy Crafty Day, CraftyLinda

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